(2 years Diploma Course Affiliated to S.C.ER.T Delhi)
Early Chidhood Care and Education
(2 Years Diploma Course affilated to SCERT)
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Conditions for ETE & ECCE Course candidates seeking admission to ETE/ECCE courses must have passed the Senior School Certificate Examination (10+2) at least with 50% marks.
5% relaxation of marks is allowed for candidates applying under the categories of schedule caste, scheduled tribe or physically handicapped.
Admission is on the merit basis by SCERT Delhi.
Admission by the Institute under Management Quota .
10% seats of the sanctioned in take for Delhi domicile candidates are available in both the courses at the Institute level under management quota.
Age Limit: The maximum age should not be more than 24 year as on 30th September of the year of the admission.
5 years relaxation of age in upper limit is allowed for candidates under the categories of Sc, St, & Physically Handicapped.